Beyond the Obvious - Cultural Agora, Rome 2017
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United by Future Places
Beyond the Obvious 2024
Malmö, Sweden 29 May - 1 June 2024
Project Pitches and Future Labs​
Project Pitches
Facilitated by Stefanos Dimoulas
Carpets as a participatory tool | Rachel Rouzad
The carpet has never been such an exceptional element as in the redefinition carried out by Rachel, who turns it into a tool for citizen engagement and to address social and ecological issues. Being everyday objects present in many cultures, carpets can serve as a shared language to share ideas and re-imagine future cities.
The SPA of the Century | Christina Skarpari
A mobile oasis of self-care and community support for cultural workers, this is what the Spa of the Century is. Rooted in healing practices and moments of togetherness, this project, originating from the Mediterranean coasts of Cyprus, will soon land in Malmö, evolving as a space of mutual care.
SIRIUS4all | Niels Righolt
SIRIUS4all fosters a new narrative for Europe by promoting inclusion through cultural co-creation and expression, showcasing migrant artists' works. The project aims to broaden perspectives and build connections between "new and old" Europeans. Partners from Germany, Denmark, Bulgaria, and Italy collaborate to bring this vision to life.
Diagnostic of Community Culture | Artemisa Cifuentes Quezada
How can we talk about sustainability in cultural ecosystems if leave aside cultural rights? A tool like REACC - tested in Spain - provides a self-assessment framework for labor rights and dignity in community practices, fostering diversity and decentralization through quantitative and qualitative analysis.
Water and Flesh | Blanca B. Gistau
Blanca’s performance promotes the awareness of the value and vital power of water by showing our relationship with it, how it is constantly present in our day, in our history and collective memory.
Europa schaffen | Emma Hanny
How does the EU impact our life? To Emma, photography is a tool for storytelling, to express the values of the young generation that will shape the future of Europe.
Clubture Programme Exchange | Domagoj Savor & Ana Abramovic
Facilitating direct collaboration among independent cultural organizations in Croatia, the platform created by Clubture allows the exchange of content, as well as rhe creation of new projects. The best proposals are selected through participative decision-making by all the members of the organisation.
La Movida | Guillermo Rodríguez
La Movida is a training, empowerment and youth participation programme for the development of innovative proposals in the area of artistic education. Bringing together 150 young artists from all over Spain and South America, the programme explored themes as mental health, social innovation, and urban culture.
CEM PORTAS | Joana Gouveia Loureiro
CEM PORTAS is an existing project focused on the role of culture in providing equal opportunities to citizens. Offering free access to cultural heritage sites and hosting an eclectic cultural programme, it promotes democratic participation in public spaces through cultural enjoyment.
Practising radical hope | Julie Ward
Culture Declares Emergency is an international grassroots movement that advocates for justice, regenerative change, and care through culture, heritage, and the arts. Through creative action and environmental activism, they communicate climate science and inspire action thanks to the power of arts and culture.
Local Culture & Sustainability - Walkshop | Frantz Dhers
Frantz’s projects helps companies including local cultural elements into their ESG strategies through the simple action of walking. This tangible strategy is a way of restoring our connection with the sorrounding nature and breathe the power of local heritage sites, improving the well-being of individuals.
Future Labs
Facilitated by Lucrezia Ponzano
Tackling cancel culture at grassroots | Oana Nasui
Oana’s idea suggests hosting a series of debates engaging professionals and diverse audiences on topics such as accountability, history rewriting, and filling in gaps. She'll discuss methods like ostracism, public shaming, and activism used by "cancel culture" movements to change historical narratives.
CineCeccano | Alessandro Ciotoli
Alessandro's idea is to partner public bodies with the private sector to convert an abandoned soap factory into a cinema city in Italy. This transformation would include film studios, creative labs, and training centers, with a large green area by the river, providing a sustainable and creative boost to Rome's surroundings.
Mobility support for environmental artists | Ferdinand Richard
What Fanak Fund proposes is the creation of a mobility fund for artists and cultural activists across Europe, Arab countries, and the Middle East. This fund aims to support projects promoting environmental protection through art, such as land art productions, awareness workshops, and CO2-free processes.
We CAN | Anna Formosa
Anna’s project addresses loneliness by engaging adults in creative activities and nature experiences. By partnering with local artists and utilising community spaces, it aims to prevent mental health issues by providing opportunities for well-being and social connection through art forms and outdoor activities.
Gradinata (the Garden) | Iliyana Grigorova
Gradinata is a community space in Bulgaria, focused on social and cultural initiatives. Iliyana’s efforts are dedicated to the renovation of the building and its sorrounding garden, turning it into an open space for music concerts, exhibitions, workshops, a community kitchen, and language lessons.
800V | Noemi Pittalà & Manuela V. Colacicco
800V focuses on feminist and youth empowerment in Southern Italy. It channels individual anger into collective action, engaging marginalised communities in the 2024 European elections through critical thinking, active citizenship, and dialogue. To do so, it aims to explore the use of public spaces.
104 in Berlin | Leander Kämpf
104 in Berlin is a vision for a community space open to all, removing financial barriers and offering flexible access, particularly for artists who struggle to find affordable and accessible practice spaces. By creating an open and inclusive environment, people can witness artists working alongside each other, fostering a stronger sense of community.
CARE | Carla Montez Fernandes
CARE is about joining forces among artists, scholars, cultural associations, and local governance councils in Portugal. Itsgoal is to analyse successful artistic interventions and transfer this knowledge to areas where artistic practices are underutilised in community activation programmes.
Crossing Bodies, Pushing Bounderies | Bruno de Almeida
In the quest to answer the question "How can we all live together," Bruno has been developing a relational practice that seeks to use art as a tool for building transcultural dialogues, through a space where everyone can share, coexist, and imagine how we can build diverse and inclusive futures together.
Working Title* | Zsuzsanna Zsurò
Working title* is a curatorial & research organisation for democratic values & criticality in the arts. It is to support subversive art & culture, to create debate & to give platform to marginalised voices. Working title* produces exhibitions, initiates researches as well as collaborates on ahead-of-the-curve cultural projects.
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