Beyond the Obvious - Cultural Agora, Rome 2017
<Glimpses of ctrl+shift HUMAN #BtO2018 Edition >

Relive the Handle with Care gathering
The Elefsina recordings
Keynote speech by Margaritis Schinas, vice-president of the European Commission​
Vice-president of the European Commission Margaritis Schinas addressed guests of the CultureForHealth final conference and the 2023 edition of the Beyond the Obvious Handle with Care participants on 9 June 2023, in Elefsina, Greece.
Conversation between Margaritis Schinas and Lars Ebert​
Conversation between Margaritis Schinas, Vice-president of the European Commission and Lars Ebert, Secretary General of Culture Action Europe. 9 June 2023, Elefsina, Greece.
Elefsina Manifesto: Envisioning a culture of care | Read-out​
Beyond the Obvious 2023 | Handle with Care Manifesto was a collective effort of the participants of the conference. The preliminary version of the Elefsina Manifesto was read out at the closing of the conference.
Handle with Care | Recap video​